Organic French Roast Coffee

Organic French Roast Coffee <BR>(1/2 lb Bag)
½ lbGrind Qty: $10.99
1 lbGrind Qty: $16.99
5 lbGrind Qty: $64.99
For a dark coffee, these Organic French Roast Fair-Trade beans come as dark as you can imagine. With very little acidity, this organic fair trade coffee will offer your taste buds a bittersweet lingering finish to balance out the bold, rich darkness of the initial sip. The French Roast organic beans are often described as "Coffee that tastes like coffee," so if you love your coffee straight-up, these beans will hit the spot.

If you love French Roast coffee but haven't tried the organic and fair-trade beans yet, would like to promise you the ultimate organic experience. We are a certified Organic Coffee Handler and Processor by the Georgia Crop Improvement Association National Organic Program (GCIA-NOP). We uphold the standards set by the National Organic Program, so our customers can receive the best when it comes to their organic coffee beans – this includes our popular Organic French Roast.

This Organic French Roast Fair-Trade coffee is an exceptional first-cup to start your day with, especially if you love strength in your morning beverages. However, what makes the French Roast beans so popular is their versatility – it also goes well with dessert. This deep dark roast makes a great AM and PM coffee, but it's up to you to decide when you want your Organic French Roast Fair-Trade outpouring of flavor!
1 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Nan F.
Greendale, Wisconsin
January 19, 2019
Like Dark Roast Coffee. This is good dark Roast coffee, without being overly strong. Will purchase again.
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