Mochadoodle Flavored Coffee

Mochadoodle Flavored Coffee (1/2lb Bag)
½ lbGrind Qty: $9.99
1 lbGrind Qty: $15.99
5 lbGrind Qty: $59.99
If you go crazy for mocha flavoring, this Mochadoodle is the ultimate flavored coffee. With cinnamon and hazelnut tastes, like a delicious cookie, this Mochadoodle coffee features a thick, mocha like coating of flavor. Perfect for those that love indulging in cookies, pies, and cakes – the Mochadoodle coffee will tantalize your taste buds with its sweet-tooth pleasing flavors.

The aroma on the Mochadoodle flavored coffee is truly one of a kind. It will make your mouth melt with its chocolaty appeal, all while filling the air with a soothingly creamy zest of cinnamon and hazelnut. If you like hazelnut coffees, this Mochadoodle will definitely satisfy your palate. If cinnamon flavors intrigue you, this flavored coffee will drive your taste buds wild and make you want to add a dash of cinnamon in all your coffee selections. With only 2 calories per cup, this Mochadoodle is the perfect indulgence.

Made with 100% Arabica beans, this Mochadoodle flavored coffee will answer your chocolate loving desires. If you want the freshest mocha tastes with a touch of cinnamon and hazelnut, will send you the freshest roasted coffee available – all orders are roasted and shipped on the same day. Enjoy!

This flavored coffee contains nut extract.

Click here for Mochadoodle decaf coffee.