Hot Toddy Flavored Coffee

Hot Toddy Flavored Coffee (1/2lb Bag)
½ lbGrind Qty: $9.99
1 lbGrind Qty: $15.99
5 lbGrind Qty: $59.99
Hot Toddy's are known as a drink that can cure colds and the flu. While some are made with alcohol, others are made with ciders. has decided to make its own version of the popular drink – in a flavored coffee. The Hot Toddy flavored coffee has a soothing vapor of cinnamon, liqueur, and hints of citrus. A hot mug of this and who knows, you could feel better!

These flavors, together, set out to calm and offer relief from body aches and pains – especially during the winter weather. If you are coming down with a cold, a hot cup of this Hot Toddy flavored coffee could do just the trick! Although recipes for this vary throughout the world, believes you will like the combination of flavors in this particular Hot Toddy mix.

This 2 calorie cup of coffee will be the ultimate way to refreshingly wake up, especially after a long night of being restless and sick with a winter cold. Its goal is to calm the body and the soul, and after a few sweet sips of this hot beverage, you will understand the Hot Toddy hype. Made with 100% authentic Arabica beans, you will receive your Hot Toddy flavored coffee roasted and shipped on the same day.

Nothing like a little coffee for a pick-me-up!

Click here for Hot Toddy decaf coffee.